Everything you need to know about selling stock photography.

 If there is one thing that we know about, it's stock photography and how to make sales through Shutterstock.  Since this is something that we seemed to get questioned on frequently, we decided to put together a resource for readers like you.

Today, we're going to answer all of your questions about stock photography and Shutterstock.  If we missed one, please ask it in the comments and I'll make sure to get back to you!  We'll tell you what stock photography is, our favorite channel to sell it through, and provide ten real life examples of what sells!

everything you need to know about stock photography

Everything you need to know about selling stock photography.

What is stock photography?

To make this as simple as possible, it's pictures that are licensed to be used for commercial or editorial purposes.  The best stock photography can be used for multiple purposes, have room for text, and appeal to various industries.

What is the best platform to sell stock photography?

While this is widely debated, I believe that Shutterstock (link) is the best platform.  I believe this for several reasons.  One, they have one of the largest customer bases in the market, including global customers.  I have sold countless stock photos to all different areas of the world and I absolutely LOVE that!  Two, the Shutterstock platform is user friendly and easy to navigate.  Three, they give % based commission per sale which makes each sale and commission value unique!  Four, Shutterstock is also a community.  They have a great user forum and boards with supportive peers to communicate with throughout your journey.

Can you really make money selling stock photography on Shutterstock?

Yes, yes, yes, AND yes!!  Did I say yes?

All you need to do is sign up by clicking here (link), upload your best pictures, wait for them to be reviewed, and then update your descriptions and keywords.  This is key, so I'll say it again.  Update your keywords and descriptions so buyers can find your stock photo.  This is a saturated market and the right keywords make all the difference!  Once you do those few simple steps, repeat.  Keep going until you build up your portfolio.  The more stock photographs you upload to Shutterstock, the more you're bound to sell.

What stock photographs sell on Shutterstock?

Anything can sell when done right.  No, I'm not kidding.

But, as promised, I'll be more specific.  Here are ten stock photos that I recently sold over and over and over again on Shutterstock.

1.  Home Repair, Maintenance, and Construction

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

2.  Candid Birds

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

3.  Candid Wildlife

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

4.  Close Ups of Flowers, Plants, and Gardens

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

5.  Dogs, Cats, and Pets

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

6.  Travel Pictures

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

7.  Food including Meal Prep, Dining Out, & Homecooked Meals

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

8.  Lifestyle  <--This is a HUGE one!

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

9.  Seasonal & Holiday Themes

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

10.  Concept Pictures

can you really make money on shutterstock and what pictures sell

Now that we surely answered all of your questions, get started today to make an easy passive income selling stock photography on one of the largest platforms, Shutterstock by clicking below!

Do you sell stock photography?